

Welcome to peeled. I’m ecstatic you’re here, you can call me Kim.

Peeled isn’t about calorie counting, product pushing, or fad diets. Peeled is a place to strip away all of the nonsense and get back to the core of what it means to be well.

By day I’m a professional health educator in rustic upstate NY. I’m passionate about teaching health because I believe it’s about helping people unlock their potential- to be their best self. Really, I love my job because I love connecting with other people.

I started peeled because I hate small talk (I know, who doesn’t?). My problem with small talk quickly became that the more I mentioned my job in conversation, the more I realized how many misperceptions exist about what wellness really is. So, I created peeled as a way to help change that.

My goal for peeled is to simplify the core basics of what it means to take care of your body. I want to revive the things we were all far too preoccupied to learn in middle school health class (however, I promise it will involve much less braces, Backstreet Boys*, and training bras this time around).

Aside from my posts about lifestyle and wellness, you can also check out my collection of recipes. Rather than focusing on creating super low-calorie meals or using expensive specialty ingredients, I try to use real food that most people already have in their kitchen.

Do you have blog? Stop by on Tuesdays for my “Tell ’em Tuesdays” link party and share some of your beautiful content!

I’d love to hear from you! Email me at peeledwellness@gmail.com

You can also follow Peeled Wellness on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest!


*there may still be a little Backstreet Boys.


46 thoughts on “About

  1. I love your blog! Thanks so much for stopping by mine. I am glad you did and introduced me to your realm! I love your blog name, by the way, and the meaning behind it. Oh, what I would do to live in NY. :)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for the follow, and how fitting that I visited your blog for the first time whilst in the middle of whipping up a healthy Mexican feast. Look forward to seeing your posts!


  3. Thank you for inviting me to the link up yesterday. Your blog is great and I really love your philosophy for taking care of yourself. You inspired me to update my “about” page and get to work on some new recipes!

    Liked by 1 person

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